Tuesday, 24 July 2007
Sunday, 8 July 2007
Factory on wheels – trimaran moving towards lean production
Not only that we challenge the traditional yachting market conceptually with function (probably an understatement - being a trimaran ….and folding) and design, but also using new advanced production technologies, we continuously have to challenge ourselves as well. Having the first year and a few boats of experience in our new production facility, we introduced a “Bible” - the “The Toyota Way”. In order to stay competitive, being able to develop new features and models, we need to work even harder with improvements. Part of this is improving our lean production thinking (that’s where the Bible comes in – however read and implemented in our way - “The Seaonata Way”). Not that we have converted to a new religion – but instead of having several religions and bibles (with all the problems and discussions this can cause) we get a common belief (and services!). Even though the only very first few “Evangelisms” have been preached and discussed, the first results can be seen – on wheels. The staff has literately interpreted “flow” (being one of the key principles) …..We now have toolboxes on wheels, gigs on wheels, a new smaller oven on wheels…. Why? To be able reduce “Waste” which has become an “un-sacred” word …to say the least. We rather spend time on new features, technologies,… etc.
For those of you who are familiar with the term “Andon calls” I can tell we encourage to pull - in our case actually “push”, the Andon button frequently. In fact, without Andon stops it would be strange…no Kaizen = Improvements.