Friday, 8 February 2008

Archipelago of Minquiers (Bretagne) by trimaran

There is quite a lot of Seaon in the press. Attached (link) you find an article (unfortunately only available in French) in “Voile Magazine” where our very active Seaon 96crb sailors Bernard and Michelle together with Voile Mag's Bernard Rubinstein explored the Archipelago of Minquiers off the coast of Bretagne.

Coming up is also an article where Philippe Echelle from “Multihulls World” test sailed the Seaon 96crb. After that (March) there will be an article in Voiles et Voiliers (French again! They are active sailors indeed!) by Herve Hillard who explored the Stockholm Archipelago in a Seaon....and then there will be an article on Seaon production by Henrik Hansen from “Bådnyt” in Denmark.

So watch the newsstands!

Below a photo on Bernard’s friends coming along when he goes sailing…..
