Saturday, 28 June 2008

Seaon trimarans in the Stockholm Archipelago

There will be six Seaons sailing in our beautiful Stockholm Archipelago this summer, four “natives” and two visitors. Of course one the visitors is our busy sailor Bernard from Bretagne who is sailing here in June and July in his Eureka with his wife Michelle. The other visitors are Sebastian and Kerstin from Lausanne.

Ready for Stockholm Archipelago

The Stockholm Archipelago offers fantastic sailing conditions (and we hope also nice weather for visitors). A multihull offers major advantages since many mooring places are crowded with monohulls needing draft enough to “dock” the bow to the cliffs – which is how it mostly is done in the Archipelago. With a multihull you can in many cases get your own bay or even an island due to the shallow draft needed. Also multihull custom in the Archipelago is even mooring one float to a flat cliff instead of using an anchor (there is no tidal water and in principle no currents).

Moored for midsummer (not at a cliff but very shallow water...)

If you are a permanent resident here, the speed is highly appreciated since there in many cases are quite long “transport passages” to get out of the inner Archipelago. Also many of the fantastic nature experiences are in the outer archipelago some 25-30 nm to sail. With a multihull you can leave for home after lunch (+ coffee) on a Sunday afternoon.

Michelle and Bernard celebrating traditional Swedish Midsummer

Come and visit us - it absolutetly worth it (article about Stockholm Archipelago in french Magazine Voile et Voiliers mentioned in our blog earlier this spring)
Midsummer regards from Stockholm Archipelago!


Monday, 2 June 2008

Seaon “at work” – a guest blog from Norway

Report from Seaon NOR 396 M and “With course for work”

Seaon NOR 396 M is now sailing. The sailing characteristics of the Seaon 96 are spectacular! We logged 19.5 knots in 8-10 m/s (with self tacking jib and main sail) on our first training session with the race crew. The sails from Gransails are beautiful, and this week we finally got our gennacker. We have already tried it out with big smiles on our faces.

Seaon NOR 396 M has been named Liv after both the Norse goddess and the only woman surviving Ragnarøk and we hope that her name will keep her safe and sound in all weathers.

I, Anders work as a clinical psychologist and my co owner Arve as a social worker and family therapist. Liv will mainly bee used in our project called “Med styring mot arbeid” which directly translates as “With course towards work”.

Anders and Arve

In society today with higher and higher demands from the labour market, some young people have problems finding and keeping employment. The reasons can be multiple. Often they come from non functional homes and have had upbringings marked by lack of loving relations, drug abuse, and violence. Sometimes they have just been plain unlucky or made the wrong decisions during their teenage period.

We believe that sailing is an excellent activity for both vocational- and social training. Vocational: if you don’t do your part on a sail yacht the boat stops and you get a direct feedback of your commitment. Socially: you can exchange rolls and if you have a conflict there is nowhere to run. You are forced to face the conflict and deal with it

We combine this with group therapy were we address personal problems that prevents our clients from keeping relations over time, be happy in everyday life and keeping employment, because this three things are tightly knit together.

Therapy session

We have chosen Seaon 96 because we hope that its explosive performance characteristics shall give our clients the continues kicks that we think is needed for catching and keeping their interest. Or with other words: If we start were they are, then maybe they will follow. Another reason for choosing Seaon 96 is that it is a small and big boat at the same time, small to handle but with big outside spaces, so it won’t feel crowded with 4-6 clients. We also believe that coming out in the nature and at sea have a healing force in it self.

So every Wednesday Arve and I change offices for Liv and go sailing with five young men who have not been able to establish them self on the labour market. We have now had four sail sesions and so far it has been going excellent. “Guttarna” as we call them are catching the sailing very fast and we are really enjoying sailing with them.

Lunch break at Oyenkilen

But the bottom line is as usually economics. Will we be able to continue the project for next year? The economy is tight and we work this year without wages. So if there are any sponsors out there in cyberspace who like our project, it would bee fun with a screacher and we do need a trailer.

Happy sailing from Anders and Arve

Blog editors comment:
To avoid confusion – yes, there are now three yellow Seaon 96crb sailing.